Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting Unveiled: Separating Facts from Fiction with a Registered Dietitian

Intermittent fasting has been gaining popularity for years now because of the claims of “easy” weight loss by following a simple plan that requires very few food rules. So we ask, is it worth the hype? Intermittent fasting (IF) is a pattern of eating that involves periods of eating followed by periods of fasting. Different […]

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Meal Planning

Meal Planning 101: Expert Tips from a Registered Dietitian

“What’s for dinner?” (whether this comes from your children, your partner, or even yourself) is the dreaded question that has to be answered every night, and unless you have an answer, it can feel daunting. To make your evenings smoother and help avoid extra stress and anxiety after a long day, you might consider meal […]

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Collagen Confessions: A Registered Dietitian’s Take on Beauty from Within

Collagen supplements seem to be everywhere these days — in powders, bars, bottled drinks, and snacks.  But what is collagen and what advantage does it have if any for health? What is collagen protein? Collagen protein is a type of protein found in bone and connective tissues of the body, including cartilage, tendons, ligaments, bone, […]

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What is the Difference Between a Registered Dietitian and a Nutritionist?

What is the Difference Between a Registered Dietitian and a Nutritionist? It seems as though so many people are talking about nutrition these days, everyone from your best friend who just tried the latest and greatest diet plan, to personal trainers who urge you to count your macros. With so much information (both the good […]

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Gut Health

Gut Health 101- What is gut health and why should I care?

Do you feel like anything you eat bothers your stomach and its annoying? Do you have problems with bloating, constipation or diarrhea? Do you feel like when you’re stressed your stomach has a mind of its own? These can all be signs that your gut is out of balance. When you have a well balanced, […]

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Eating Disorders

What Does a Nutritionist Do for Eating Disorders?

WHAT IS CONSIDERED AN EATING DISORDER? Eating disorders encompass a range of conditions that involve disturbances in eating behavior, accompanied by mental distress surrounding food and eating choices. Anorexia nervosa (extreme caloric restriction and fear of gaining weight), bulimia (binging and purging), binge eating disorder (frequent binging), ARFID (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder), Diabulimia (Manipulating […]

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Sports Nutrition

Maximizing Athletic Performance through Nutrition

Sports nutrition is a well-designed nutrition plan for active individuals and athletes with specific performance and fitness goals. The goal of sport nutrition is to provide adequate nutrients, energy and fluids to keep the bodywell fueled and hydrated so it can function at peak levels. WHY WHAT YOU EAT PRE AND POST EXERCISE IS SO […]

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Pediatric Nutrition

Teach Them How to Eat, Feed Them for a Lifetime

Feeding our kids is something all parents think about – from the decision of bottle or breast to gassiness and spit-up, our children’s eating habits – and our feeding habits – play an important role from the earliest days of parenthood. IS THERE ANY ONE METHOD THAT IS ‘THE BEST’? The Division of Responsibility in […]

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Intuitive Eating

Learning to Navigate Our Hunger and Fullness

No one wants to be hungry we would love to teach you how to navigate hunger and fullness because it can feel super scary to not know how to navigate hunger! HUNGER SATIETY SCALE How often have you found yourself starting a meal ravenous because a meeting has run late? The next thing you know […]

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