Meet Amy

I became a registered dietitian to help inspire and empower people to take control of their health, mentally and physically. I believe in working hand and hand to find a lifestyle that works for you to feel your best. My approach is to meet you with an open mind and a listening ear to gain confidence and help you reach your goals. 


A tie between a cast iron mac and cheese or fresh pineapple! 

in my free time you'll find me

Attending a yoga class, jogging in 5Ks, or hanging out with friends and family at a local coffee shop. 


University of Alabama Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition and Master of Science in Human Nutrition 

why im a dietitian

I always had an interest in healthcare and took a nutrition elective for fun in college and instantly fell in love. I realized that nutrition is a unique but essential way to care for yourself. I believe that good nutrition is so important to help nourish your body and your soul. I find it so rewarding getting to help people on their journey to achieve this! 

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Sustainable weight loss

disease management

women's health


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